rpmcheck - Finds new and or updated rpms from local or remote sources


rpmcheck [options] [source]

   --help -h -?                 brief help message
   --man                                full documentation
   --all -a                             upgrade all RPMs (new and updates)
   --list -l                    list upgrades only; do not prompt for install
   --new -n                             upgrade/list only new RPMs (not updated)
   --upgrade -u                 upgrade/list only updated RPMs (not new)
   --recurse -r                 recurses the path provided
   --internalver                uses internal versioning
   --ignore -i                  ignore an rpm
   --ignore-list file   loads a list of ignores from a file
   --download -d dir    downloads/copies rpms to dir.


--help -h -?
Prints a brief help message and exits.

Prints the manual page and exits.

--version -v
Prints out the version number and exits.

--all -a
Upgrades and/or lists all RPMs (new and updates).

--list -l
Lists RPM's only; do not prompt to install

--new -n
Upgrades and/or lists only new RPMs (not updated)

--upgrade -u
Upgrades and/or lists only updated RPMs (not new)

--recurse -r
Recurses the path given, works for local paths, HTTP and FTP

Uses the internal versioning. Rather than using the RPM module. The internal process is slighly broken and will miss some updates. But then again so is the rpm library one. By default we check with both and if either one says it's newer than we list it.

Ignores an rpm. Basically this is a perl pattern that is matched against each rpm found on the source. Note that this matches against the relative path to the source path. E.G. a file at: http://host/path/file.rpm and if entered as your source http://host/path would be set to /file.rpm when this pattern is run. In short trying to match with ^package probably won't work.

Specifies a file that contains a list of perl patterns (one per line) for the purpose of ignoring some rpms. See --ignore.

--download -d
Downloads (or copies in the case of a local mirror) rpms to a user specified directory that follows the option. If the directory does not exist it will be created.


rpmcheck will compare the installed rpms against a local directory, an ftp site or an http site with rpms. Looking for upgraded rpms or new rpms. It can then optionally install the RPMs it finds. Currently only only installs if using a local path. Downloading and install via http and ftp is forthcoming.

Ftp and Http paths also support usernames and passwords via the normal method for encoding via URI's. E.G. http://username:password@hostname/path or ftp://username:password@hostname/path